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Mazel Tov!

Dear Applicant,

Mazel Tov on your engagement! 

Thank you for reaching out to Hachnosas Kallah. We’re excited to share in your simcha.

To apply for the financial grant, please complete the following forms. Please mark any question that is not applicable as N/A. The parents of the applicant should complete Form 1, and the Chosson or Kallah should complete Form 2. 

The following documents must be included along with both forms.

  • CRA Notice of Assessment of the Applicant (not the tax return) - Chosson and Kallah
  • A completed residential lease agreement for the new couple.
  • Proof of student status, if applicable. Please attach one of the documents below.
    • Tuition Statement
    • Letter of continuing education

All submissions are confidential. If you have any questions, or in the event that there is information that you cannot impart due to underlying circumstances, please contact Mrs. Frumie Dancona at 647-258-6990, who will advise you accordingly.

Please assist us by completing the application as soon as possible. Applications will only be considered and reviewed once ALL forms and documents are filled in and submitted at least 1 month before the wedding date. Please allow 30 days for processing once all the forms have been submitted.

Hachnosas Kallah is pleased to offer additional assistance for approved applicants:

  • Simchas Bais Gittel Loan Gemach – A loan of $3,600 is available for immediate wedding related expenses during the application approval process.
  • We are pleased to introduce our new shaitel initiative which offers $1,000 discount when purchasing two full wigs from participating local shaitel machers. Email info@hktoronto.ca for more information.
  • Yad Chana Malka L'Kallah - A kallah housewares package including dishes, pots, towels bedding and more is available in Lakewood. A $500 US processing fee in required.
  • Zichron Mattel – A complete choson wardrobe package available in Lakewood. A $500 USD processing fee and additional application is required.

Bridal Gowns

The Thornhill Gemach
Mrs. Lynn Pillemer
lpillemer@gmail.com or 416.209.1169

The Bleeman Hachnosas Kallah Gemach
Mrs. Deena Smurz  416.890.1251
Mrs. Shiffy Hofstedter  416.398.8207

Gowns for Mothers & Sisters

Touch of Class
hkgownrental@gmail.com or 416.787.6663

With this application, you are entitled to a $150 discount towards each Touch of Class gown rental. Come browse our beautiful collections:

Thank you and Mazel Tov!
Hachnosas Kallah of Toronto

Apply Today:

Please submit or attach the forms below.