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Make every simcha

your simcha

Donate a preset amount for each new Toronto couple and make every simcha your own.

Join SimchaShare

The Need

The average family in Toronto can no longer afford to set up a new couple.

Costs keep rising—turning a time of simcha into a time of stress. Hachnosas Kallah’s contribution has been instrumental in easing the pressure, but it is no longer enough.


Hachnosas Kallah’s goal is to give every ba’al simcha the support they need to celebrate with dignity. And with your help, we can.

The Power of Community

SimchaShare makes every wedding into a true community simcha.

When community members donate a preset amount for each qualifying new couple, it can help ease the burden and allow every ba’al simcha to look forward to the big day with happiness and anticipation.

Join SimchaShare

How it works

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    sign up

    You sign up to donate the amount of your choice for every Hachnosas Kallah approved couple. You can cap your donation at any number of weddings or a set dollar amount per month or year.

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    Your credit card is charged on the first of every month for the previous month's weddings. All donations are tax deductible.

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    See results

    Hachnosas Kallah uses the funds to offer assistance to that month’s ba’alei simcha. You will receive reports about what your donations have accomplished.

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    You will strengthen your sense of community, feel the joy and earn the zechus.

Why SimchaShare?

A stronger Toronto

It brings Toronto together in support of its own, building connection and goodwill among fellow Torontonians and strengthening our community.

More simcha in your life

It enables you to be connected to many more simchas —without getting dressed up. When you contribute to setting up a new couple, you make their simcha your own. Who doesn’t want more simchas in their life?

A stronger Toronto

It brings Toronto together in support of its own, building connection and goodwill among fellow Torontonians and strengthening our community. 

A stronger Toronto

It brings Toronto together in support of its own, building connection and goodwill among fellow Torontonians and strengthening our community. 

Multiplied impact

It magnifies your individual contribution. By pooling your donation with many others, SimchaShare enables even regular donors to make a big difference to a new couple.    

Frequently Asked


How can I maintain control of the amount I am donating per month to ensure that it does not exceed what I am comfortable giving?

You can cap your donation at any number of weddings or a set dollar amount per month or year.

What qualifies as a Toronto wedding?

A wedding where at least one side lives in Toronto, even if the wedding takes place elsewhere.

Will I know which new couple I am helping to support? 

No. Hachnosas Kallah is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of its recipients in order to protect their dignity.

one person’s simcha

is your simcha

By participating in SimchaShare, you can take part in more celebrations and help more Toronto couples celebrate the greatest day of their life with hope and excitement.

May we continue to share in simchas! Join SimchaShare